Sale products

Dianthus caryophyllus 'Dinetta Soft Pink'
Parasniiskele pinnasele
Verbena bonariensis 'Violet Blue'
Sobib lõikelilleks
Nepeta x faassenii alba
Poolvarjuline kasvukoht
Spiraea japonica 'Manon'
Poolvarjuline kasvukoht
Dianthus caryophyllus 'Mountain Frost Rose'
Parasniiskele pinnasele
Echinacea purpurea 'Lakota White'
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Mentha suaveolens 'Pomo'
Sobib lõikelilleks
Juniperus communis 'Suecica'
Aiasõber – experience in gardening since 1995!
Aiasõber – experience in gardening since 1995!

Eco-friendly and environmentally aware gardening sales management and flexible delivery logistics are the guarantee of our success in the future!

Probably the largest selection of perennials in one place!
Probably the largest selection of perennials in one place!

Aiasõber’s garden centre and e-shop – a place to buy plant wise! We always have something exciting that big garden centers may not offer!

Species descriptions – a handbook for the gardener, an assistant for the buyer, a premier for the student!
Species descriptions – a handbook for the gardener, an assistant for the buyer, a premier for the student!

Our experienced and qualified professoinals assistance is helpful for both experienced and novice gardeners!

About us

Osaühing AIASÕBER on perefirma, mis on asutatud 28-ndal septembril 1990 algselt aktsiaseltsina EREL. Peamine algusaastate tegevusala oli aianduskaupade tootmine ja eksport. Oma praeguse nime on äriühing saanud ettevõtte ümberkujundamise käigus 1997. aasta juunis.