Pole eestikeelset nime! ‘Green Dream’

Mathiasella bupleuroides 'Green Dream'


5 in stock

Täis kasvanud paljunduspottides istikud kasvukohale istutamise valmiduses. Väljastamine alates aprill, 2024.
SKU: 10444 Categories: ,
  • Kliimavöönd: 6-10
  • Kasvukõrgus: 70-90 cm
  • Õitsemise aeg: V-VI
  • Suurus: Pott 9 cm


Mehhikost pärinev aiailutaim. 7 tk m2-le. Mathiasella bupleuroides is a Mexican umbellifer which was first descibed in 1954. These are unfamiliar plants to many but which look to have some of the characteristics of other well known garden plants – Hellebores, Angelica and maybe even Euphorbia, so one can see how these have become desirable. They are structural plants with greem foliage and flowers with the benefit of pink and purple autumn tints. They like well drained soil in full sun or part shade . The flowers seem to be sterile and last for months. Plants are from 9cm pots that ought to settle in this winter and flower in 2019.

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