Aiand avatud: 20. aprill - 1. oktoober | E-R 9.00-18.00 | L 9.00-15.00 | P suletud(+372) 552

Tumepunane lumeroos ‘Atrorubens’

LAT: Helleborus atrorubens
ENG: Christmas rose 'Atrorubens'
RUS: Морозник краснеющий 'Atrorubens'


5 laos

Täiskasvanud paljunduspottides istikud kasvukohale istutamise valmiduses. Väljastamine alates aprill, 2025.

5 laos

  • Parasniiskele pinnasele
  • Poolvarjuline kasvukoht
  • Sobib lõikelilleks




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Helleborus atrorubens has a relatively restricted distribution in north west Yugoslavia, in particular south east Slovenia and north west Croatia between Ljubljana and Zagreb, within these areas it is locally common. This species is best grown in leafy soil around the edges of shrubs and trees so that it benefits from at least partial shade. In gardens this is an easy and fast growing plant and needs plenty of space to develop. It seems particularly prone to slug and bird damage early in the spring and it pays to protect the emerging buds with slug pellets and a little brushwood. Helleborus atrorubens is an interesting rather than flamboyant plant but in its best forms its purple flushed flowers with their green tinted interiors are well worth close inspection. This modest species can easily be overlooked amongst more showy neighbours and dainty small flowered plants are perhaps its best companions. Its neighbours in the wild give plenty of ideas.

ENG: Full-grown seedlings in propagation pots, ready to be planted on the growing site. Release from April, 2025.

RUS: Взрослые саженцы в горшках для размножения, готовые к посадке на участок выращивания. Выдача с апреля 2025 года.

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