Täiskasvanud paljunduspottides istikud kasvukohale istutamise valmiduses. Väljastamine alates aprill, 2025.
Krüsanteem ‘Poesie’
5 laos
5 laos
Chrysanthemums have never been my favourite plants, but this one is an exception! A very hardy variety, this compact plant has dark-green, lobed foliage which contrasts well with the deep-pink, narrow-petalled flowers that appear from summer right through to late autumn. Chrysanthemums are good companion plants as they contain the natural pesticide, Pyrethrum, which helps control aphid and other insect pests.
ENG: Full-grown seedlings in propagation pots, ready to be planted on the growing site. Release from April, 2025.
RUS: Взрослые саженцы в горшках для размножения, готовые к посадке на участок выращивания. Выдача с апреля 2025 года.