Jäik astelsõnajalg (6 tk)

Polystichum rigens


Out of stock

Ettetellimise toode. 6 tk komplektis. Hea hind. Väljastamine alates 20 aprill, 2024. Saadavuse tõenäosus umbes 95 protsenti. See toode tõenäoliselt üksikmüüki ei tule.
SKU: 63936 Categories: ,
  • Kliimavöönd: 5-9
  • Kasvukõrgus: 50-60 cm
  • Õitsemise aeg: Ei õitse
  • Suurus: Pott 9 cm


A small, easy-to-grow fern for edging woodland gardens, sunny to partially shaded rock gardens or in containers. It forms an arching mound of leathery, sharp-toothed, triangular fronds that mature to medium green. Foliage remains evergreen in mild winter regions. A completely non-spreading species, with a relatively slow growing habit. A Japanese native. Clumps may be divided in spring if desired.

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